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Strategy & Scenario Planning

Given the rapid changes taking place in the energy industry today, an enterprise without a vision regarding possible alternative futures it might face is at a competitive disadvantage.

Strategy & Scenario Planning is a powerful methodology – a cost-benefit analysis on steroids – particularly useful in developing enterprise strategies to navigate extreme events like those that periodically roil the global economy.

Generating and exploring possible future scenarios enable an enterprise strategist to steer a course between the false comfort of a typical business planning process and the confused paralysis that arises when multiple external markets and regulatory environments start shifting at once. When well executed, scenario planning boasts a range of advantages—but if not developed and used correctly, they can also be traps for the unwary.

Strategy & Scenario Planning (SSP) Framework — The SSP Framework is a powerful methodology particularly useful in developing enterprise strategies to navigate extreme events like smart energy transformations. The process for this framework includes the selection of decisions needed, assumptions, drivers, brainstorming, solution seeking, blending, and mapping to decision-making.

For More Information About This Framework, Its Workshop Choices (1-day or 2-day), and the CMG member experts that drive it, please email us at info@512cmg.com or call 888-445-5486.

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